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Our staff deeply value intellectual pursuits as well as spiritual, cultural, sporting and arts endeavours. Our teachers are experts in holistic education – educating the whole child.
Catholic Education teachers are given multiple opportunities each year for quality professional development and they are expected to actively embrace change for improved student outcomes. We believe in the value of being life-long learners and we strive to be authentic role models for our students.
Townsville Catholic Education takes cyber safety very seriously and in an effort to reduce our staff being subject to scams, a decision has been made to remove staff email addresses from the school website.
To contact your child's teacher, please access their email address via the Compass app. To get in contact with other staff members, please contact
For information on accessing Compass, please visit https://www.compass.
Acting Principal | Lisa Fitzsimmons |
Acting APRE | Maria Johansen |
APPL | Rita Cranitch |
Guidance Counsellor | Felicity Griggs |
Prep | Kelly Harris, Tahnee McCahon |
Years 1 & 2 | Jaimie Hollingsworth / Chiara Oar, Megan Tatnell, Tracie Duthie / Emily Parsons |
Years 3 & 4 | Olivia Licciardello, Maria Johansen / Chrissa Di Bartolo |
Years 5 & 6 | Tegan Hutchesson (4/5A), Kelsey Rye, Anna Lynch / Emily Parsons |
LOTE (Italian) | Anita Julyan |
Arts | Anita Julyan |
HPE | Emily Parsons, Anna Lynch |
Secretary - Finance | Debbie Watson |
Secretary | Areti Danello |
Chaplain | Stephanie Ryder |
Learning Support | Cathy Bevilacqua; Renee Corradi; Sonia Dabelstein; Angela Di Marzio; Michelle Felesina; Emily Fiamingo; Kirstyn Murphy; Jaki Nicol; Sharyn Osborn; Janette Pattinson; Corinna Polga; Katrina Rainbow; Hayden Savorgnan; Matt Watkins |
General Aide | Emily Arthur |
Groundsman | George Brooker |
Tuckshop Convenor | Kylie Farrell |